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Images of Student-Centered Learning
Various pictures of students learning using hands-on experiences are shown below. You can see more on Instagram!
Sheep Brain Dissection
Sheep Brain Dissection
Gas Laws Lab Stations
Monocular Cues Field Trip
Goal Wall
Building an Enlarged Neuron
Cultural Dive into India
Student-Led Sock Drive
Arizona Trip to the Mexican-American Border
Chemical Reaction Stations
Flame Test Lab
Pre-Planning Building a Bridge
Gravitational Force Competition
CER Model
Brain Biology Menu
Chemistry - The Science of Cooking
The videos shown below are those uploaded by students for an end-of-year cultivation of chemistry concepts, while also allowing them to choose which foods they wanted to study, and even cook them!
AP Psychology - End of Year Research
The readings below represent one assignment that has been created in my AP Psychology class throughout my career. AP Psychology is a college level course offered in high school that focuses on the scientific and social study of the brain. All of the research displayed here is a culmination of the entire course through a specific lens, and acted as the final research paper required for the course.
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