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The slideshow below contains information about the courses I have taken throughout my graduate experience at Michigan State University. Each slide shares the name of the course, the professor, the semester the course was taken, and a brief description of the course experience.


TE = Teacher Education

CEP = Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Special Education 

ED = Education

TE 845: Language Diversity and Literacy Instruction

This course included assessing best practices to approach English language learners within a specific content. Within the curriculum, much was covered about the different levels of student literacy, ranging from students just beginning their English learning journey to those who are completely fluent with speaking the language, but struggle with reading comprehension. Tools to help language acquisition such as visual organizers and question structures were discussed within peer groups. In order to spread information to others about this topic, the course concluded with creating a professional development course for other educators (as featured in my showcase). 

Professor: Dr. Patricia Edwards

Fall 2019

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